Thursday 22 August 2013


Sola Gratia means “Grace Alone”, the salvation that we get is because the Grace of God only, ephesians 2:8 says “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Most Christian know what it means, or you can easily googling it. So what I’m gonna tell you here is not about the definition of Sola gratia but my small group which named “Sola Gratia”.

I have a small group, the best group ever in my life, no…. it is not only a group but my family, my small family, you will know why do I tell that family if you continue to read this.

Lets go back to the previous 2 years,

I was a fresh graduate from senior high school, I was accepted in electrical engineering department of Gadjah Mada University, that month was august, with my parent I went to my faculty to register myself into the administration officer in the 2nd floor of KPFT (the main office of engineering faculty), after finished with that we went downstairs,  in the 1st floor we are welcomed by a group of person, they are PMKT (Christian Commission of Engineering), they asked me to fill some question on a piece of paper then give me some snacks, when I did that, my parent was talking with a man, a small man, but I don’t care with that. A few weeks later I received a message from someone asked me to come to his boarding house at about 3 or 5 pm, there I saw 3 or 4 people who is same with me the fresh graduate, and a man who send me a message, there he introduced himself and asked me whether want to join to a group, although I don’t know what kind of group that he meant, but I accepted it. We gave our group’s name “SOLA GRATIA”. That is the beginning of this Story.

Beny is my name, I am a ordinary man, a difficult adapted person, lets go back to the story, with a friend named Andro we followed the group activity, one a day a week we made a meeting, there I know Hilton the curly man, Richard the tall man, and he is strict enough I thought, Ian the Chinese man and Andro the city man. They had different personalities, I still don’t know them well, ohh  I forget someone, he was Nathan, our leader, he was a strange person I thought, he was our leader.
Unknown Engineer and Blogger

Halo saya Beny Septian Pardede, semoga apa yang saya bagikan bisa berguna bagi anda dan orang disekitar anda, tetap berpikir kritis dan jangan terima begitu saja setiap tulisan yang saya buat, ambil yang berguna dan silahkan beri saran yang sopan di kotak komentar dibawah jika tulisan yang saya buat bertentangan dengan nilai yang anda pegang, Terimakasih.

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