Thursday 19 March 2015


The biggest barrier for people to achieve something is that they are not persistent
After reading many motivational books, i found that persistent is a key of success to reach something. At the beginning, with big enthusiasm, we are committed to change something. We want to lose weight, we want to sleep before 11 pm, we want to reduce using facebook, we want to start reading etc. First, people usually prepare themselves so well, read all information they need, googling "how to" in internet, write promise in their diary book, or for some people, they tell their resolution to their family, that is good.

This is how it works. In the first day, oh my God, the feeling is so awesome, we finish this day by doing our plan very smoothly, we are ready to meet next day. There is no problem in the second day, everything is fine. On day 3, we try to calm our self, no pain no gain. On the fourth day, where the hell the spirit has gone?, it is so hard to do, we gradually forget the motivation why we do that, but we still try to run our plan. In the fifth day, there are so many people who stop doing what they did in the first, their enthusiasm has gone, they find excuses to stop doing that, or they find something new to do. Finally they fail to change, again. I experienced this, and i know that, i am not alone.

I have ever hear that "If we do it something repeatedly in 30 days, then it will be habit" It takes 4 weeks, but mostly, we fail in the first or second week. Look the illustration below, the man in the bottom, gives up at the critical point, where he is so near with his goal. Otherwise, the other man, is very enthusiastic to dig , because he just start it. Can the man in the top be success to find his diamond? The answer is, whether he is persistent and consistent or not.
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Have you ever hear this quote "Excellence is not an act, but, a habit". 

One day, i browsed in the internet "How to be self confidence", there are so many results there, i read some of it, some are rubbish in my opinion, and there was a web suggested me to read some books, he listed the books. Then i am so happy to 

Unknown Engineer and Blogger

Halo saya Beny Septian Pardede, semoga apa yang saya bagikan bisa berguna bagi anda dan orang disekitar anda, tetap berpikir kritis dan jangan terima begitu saja setiap tulisan yang saya buat, ambil yang berguna dan silahkan beri saran yang sopan di kotak komentar dibawah jika tulisan yang saya buat bertentangan dengan nilai yang anda pegang, Terimakasih.

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